
Thursday, September 25, 2003

CAL SPAM is now illegal!

Only in California.

Gov. Davis signed an anti spam bill into law today.

California is spam-free!


Just wait....

You'll see......

Monday, September 22, 2003

How long can it go on?

How long will people continue to put up with less secure operating systems? I mean, is anyone actually tallying the cost of all this extra virus/worm fighting/eradication? These efforts have to be costing organizations millions of support dollars!

Yet, no one seems to be willing to acknowledge that they are spending the efforts just to try to keep their heads above water.

Yes - things are unsecure. And there seems to be no end in sight before it gets better.

Unless you use an alternate OS......

It's your choice, really.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

My thoughts and prayers to all who must face Isabel .....

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Sad day (12 Sep 2003)

We lost two great ones yesterday, Johnny Cash and John Ritter.

Talk about early influences in life. I can remember watching the Johnny Cash show on television in the 60's and recording it on my little cassette player to learn his songs. I remember trying to sing deep bass like him (surely an easy feat at age 8)- but it did plant gospel blues into my music spirit very early in life.

John Ritter - now that was a different influence. I don't think anyone of my generation didn't identify with him as Jack Tripper. I mean, who couldn't identify with moving to Santa Monica and moving in with not one, but two beautiful girls!!

The 70's at it's finest.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

As I do my civic duty and review the hundreds of listed official candidates for governor of the state of Confusion, ummm. ... excuse me, the state of California - I came across this candidate - Georgie.

"Hmmmm", I thought. After an actor, a smaller actor, a porn princess, a demi-gov, a baseball hat, .... er... now a techogeek. Well, why not a techogeek? As we all embrace the Digital Age, shouldn't we have someone at the helm of this great state who actually understands technology? California, with its Silicon Valley and Silicon Beach has to be leading this country in technocompanies, just due to sheer bulk!!

So why not?

Take a look at her platform and decide for yourself.

That's the thought!

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