
Friday, February 20, 2004

Future's Past ....

A very interesting scene scrolled past my TV screen this week as I watched the latest installment of Star Trek: Enterprise. During a scene where Dr. Phlox is watching an "old movie" in the Mess Hall, the movie being shown is none other than my favorite movie of all time, "The Court Jester". It was quite a shock and a thrill to see this on Star Trek.

Imagine that my favorite TV show of all time and my favorite movie of all time are now permanently linked in cyberspace.

Thanks to the Great White Bird.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

You Keep-a-me Waitin'

I'm just not sure that you can call it customer service if it takes you longer than it takes to bake cookies start to finish before you answer the phone.

I've been on-hold about 90 minutes today for 3 service calls. This is not customer service.

This is customer apathy.

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